The casting of Nicolas Cage is not quite right for this film. As a well-established actor, he carries this tone of absurdity, of amusement and comicality with him wherever he goes and whatever he does, which is great and truly effective in itself, but comes off as quite jarring in this film. Simply put, he is too funny to go with this heavily bleak, eerie, and devastatingly beautiful film. Elsewise, the film is a solid and audacious cinematic adaptation of Lovecraft's mystical story. #Mayhem2019
开头跳楼那个镜头在片子的很长一段时间里我都以为是男主没想到被导演套路了就挺正常的金融片儿亚洲成色爱我久久有些镜头略刻意比如一见钟情那下在一个全男性环境下出的梗也蛮多都挺好笑的最后的处理也很有金融行业的特点违规操作如果赚了那什么违规都没有如果赔了那可要好好叫警察了 2022-12-25看